It's been a long time so here are some pictures that I stole from Brock documenting what I have been up to the last couple months.

Mom and Matthew acting like me

Mom and Matthew acting like me

Alison, Me, Levi and Morgan

Bubba killed his first rabbit with his slingshot and wanted to eat it so I showed him how to dress it
The sleeping coon that Bridgette found right before we killed it

Everybody made gingerbread houses, this was my tribute to Dave and Rhonda, the Tikie guy hut
Hi! Thought I'd let you know I started a blog to keep in touch with you all!
Brandt, two words, YOU ARE CREATIVE.....
Maybe there was more than two there. but thats all I counted, we homeschoolers=D JK! Awesome pics! It's good to know none of your siblings have killed you yet...Or the other way around. Now keep posting, it helps your reputation.....ok, so maybe not. I just felt like saying that. I love the first picture. That's an A-plus;-) Bye, Mik
i love your dad! go mr brenneman. keep it up!
oh and we're going to fix the vic. :) the couch lives on!
the ex
HEHEHE. Listen up buddy.
uh one word for you bud... BORING!
Tell your bro congrats on the rabbit! I don't know if you remember me Austin Jones but ask your mom she knows my mom Heather!
hey it was good to talk to you last night. makes me miss you all even more!
ok so you need to seriously POST something or i just might have to come beat you up. and we all know who'd win. sorry brandt.
ok love you all! miss you!
the ex
I really hate to sound like all the others but seriously man it's time to update the blog!
Would you PAAAAALLLLLLEAAASSSEE update?!!!!!!! Seriously, I like reading your blog but I really wish you'd update more!
Loved the photos. Our family just moved to what feels like the outback to me - somewhat rural Kentucky. What incredible beauty this city girl has been missing. The best picture you posted is the one captioned "crummy cold day". That's such a gorgeous sunset. Hope to see more pics.
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