Thursday, September 11, 2008

Knife Wounds

Due to a request by my aunt (sorry I only have one favorite aunt now because i never see the rest of them but if I do end up in the middle of the ocean because of you you will be back to #2) i will tell a the best knife story I have.

This happened a few summers back while I was making a spear or something like that. I had a very sharp knife and was cutting all the little branches of of this stick. The knife was sharper than i thought and cut though the branch and slashed my wrist. Not a good thing to do. I was kinda freeking out because I had not had a cut that bad or bleeding that much before. I ran inside and showed mom and she started freeking out too. we called grandpa because mom was the only adult at home, and someone needed to take me the the E.R. to get stiches. luckly Grandpa was at home and came up and took me to the E.R. to get my stiches. When we got there everyone kept asking me how I cut myslef. After a while I realised that they thought I was trying to commit suicide. Finaly i got stiched up and came home with five stiches and a cool scar.

Was that a good enough story almost #2 aunt,
Big Brenneman


Heather7494 said...

I'm assuming that makes me your favorite aunt!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

i like the picture to the right brandt.

brandt brenneman said...

Yes you are aunt #1 Stinks posted the other comments

Anonymous said...

Hi! I am Ty. I met you at the home-schooling campout. I go to the same church as your neighbors, Levi and Lane . Tell about the time you flipped your Trailblazer in the snow! My mom said I had to practice typing. So I chose to do it on your funny blog!!!

Anonymous said...

yes Brandt you need to post again and tell us about that. Even if i was there.

Brock Brenneman

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Hurry up with that new post.Tell us about your tractor you bought last Friday.

Brock Brenneman:p

Anonymous said...

Excuse me? I'm not sure if I should laugh or be offended by your "favorite aunt" contest that you are blogging about. In order to qualify, an aunt must live within a radius of three miles from your home. An impossible feat for sure (for normal people, ha, ha)!
Besides, would we be your favorite aunts if we lived beside you? Perhaps we would be annoying, or perhaps our children would pester you, or perhaps our husbands would give you so much grief that you would be begging us to move far, far away.
Additionally, if I am not mistaken, you posses a driver's license, which provides you with the ability to hop in your vehicle and to COME AND VISIT US!!!!!!!

Now, I dislike to lower myself to argue with those of inferior mental ability, so please stop your puerile, suggestive comments about who is or isn't your favorite aunt.

Now, try to figure out which aunt posted this comment!!!

Anonymous said...
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brandt brenneman said...

Gotta be Aunt Amy and maybe if you invited me I would come but I haven't gotten a call I do have a cell phone you know.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

what happened to all of my comments Brandt.

Brock Brenneman

Anonymous said...

Why has the blog administrator removed all of the comments from a certain intelligent, creative, athletic young man? I for one (as a completely neutral observer), feel that the blog administrator may be demonstrating jealousy towards a certain young man, by inhibiting his ability to leave interesting comments on this page.

This young man, whose first amendment rights have been infringed upon, is one of my very favorite nephews. He took the lump of coal at Christmas and dealt with it without complaint. He went on all of the scary and vomit-inducing rides at Adventureland. He also planted grapes with a serious ferocity, that took us all by suprise. He also did not make fun of his aunt's game, "guess how many flies are stuck on the fly strip". This nephew also is not afraid to admit that his aunt can dominate him at croquet at any given time.

So please, allow him to have a voice and refrain from removing his comments in the future.
Thank you for your support in this matter.

Your favorite aunt #6 and proud of it!!!!

Anonymous said...

Aunt Amy I think you just moved up to #1 aunt. :p

I am not so sure about croquet...

Keep commenting.Ha,Ha,Ha. :p

Brock Brenneman :p

P.S.Brandt do not delete this comment. :p

Anonymous said...

Hay y'all I'm one of aunt Amy's favorite nephew. Ha,Ha,Ha.

Brock Brenneman:p