Thursday, August 28, 2008

I Hate Chickens

Hate 'em, absolutely hate there guts out. I hate them so much i slit 45 of there throats this morning.
Unfortunately it wasn't because I wanted to. Today was butcher day, after we had three inches of rain last night and this morning. In fact we had to loud up the chickens in the pouring rain. This was all after we lost our power and had to bring the cows off of pasture so they wouldn't go through the non working electric fence. Starting at eight we were at a friends house butchering chickens with his equipment which makes the unplesent job more bearable. We were finished by eleven and came home where the power was back on and have been spending the rest of the day working inside with Mom.
Why Brock loves chickens so much I will never understand, I also have never understood why I have to help butcher them.
Oh well I survived but I still would take the meanest cow in the world over a chicken any day.
Enjoying the cloudy, rainy, crummy unpredictable Iowa weather, Brandt


Anonymous said...

Sissy little weenie.

Anonymous said...

I agree with anonymous!

Anonymous said...

I hate chickens to!!!!!!:)

Anonymous said...

chickens are all about personal growth Brandt! take it from your ex. she knows. :p

Anonymous said...

what ex??? do you have something to tell us brandt?

brandt brenneman said...

That would be tiff my ex nanny, I think. I also think i had enuf chicken growth to last me 500 years

The Chmelars said...

ok my dear ex... we ALL get the picture that you don't like chickens. could we move on now?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

why hast thou not posteth???

Anonymous said...

K! if you don't post here soon i shall have to... to... well i don't know what i'll do but you won't like it.

your very loving EX! wahaha! :)