Lately we learned that there is some creepy guy running around our neighborhood watching through windows and randomly walking in people houses late at night. After we learned about this Dad, being the paranoid guy that he is, locked all the doors and windows. Being from rural Iowa, we don't normally keep things locked. Good thing he did because at about 10:30 the dinner bell rang. This was odd because there was no wind and the chain was hooked on a nail. Dad, Brock, and I went out on the deck and kind of looked around but didn't see any thing.
The next morning I kind of forgot about it and went out to feed my calves, when I came back in everybody was freaking out all trying to tell me the same thing at once. I finally put together what they were saying and it turns out that they had found an area by the deck where someone had been walking around. It appeared they had tried to open a window, we knew this because our basement windows are very dirty and there were streaks in the dirt on the window and part of a fingerprint.
They had called Dad and he came home form work, looked around and the decided to call the sheriff. He then went back to work and I hauled poop.
The sheriff came out around noon to look around take pics and lift the finger print.
Needless to say we have been taking extra precautions at night.
I'll keep y'all posted on any new developments, nothing happened last night.
Till I Write again,Brandt